‘The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day.’M. Grundler The next recipe for cooking with kids series is Potato…
Continue ReadingThis week I made these super simple and deliciously healthy grilled fruit kebobs with my daughter. It is simply a stylish take on your routine fruit salad. When I invited…
Continue Reading” All children have creative power”. Brenda Ueland These very quick and easy Sausage Bread Rolls are our next fun recipe in Cooking with Kids series. Please completely handle…
Continue Reading“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted .” – Garrison Keillor Though summer is drawing to it’s end but we still have summer fruits in abundance.This summer break I…
Continue ReadingSome Fun Facts About Schnitzels : While chicken schnitzels is the only acceptable form for my girls, the traditional Wiener Schnitzel is a very thin, breaded and deep fried Schnitzel…
Continue ReadingSummer break is here and Foodaholic has decided to involve kids in its culinary adventures, we are embarking on this new journey of Cooking with Kids for next 10 weeks.…
Continue Reading“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world , had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our…
Continue ReadingChicken and Cheese Bites
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