What’s So Special About Pakistani Bakery Style Lemon Tarts?! Come summer lemon flavor desserts and drinks climb up the popularity charts for how refreshing and appetizing they taste and smell.…
Continue ReadingIce cream is happiness condensed. Jessie Lane Adams Looking for Happiness? My definition of happiness has always been simple – for example, these Creamy Custard and Strawberry Popsicles are my…
Continue ReadingYou yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Sharon Salzberg We homemakers, mothers, wives, caregivers, usually forget that we need some me time…
Continue ReadingJanuary is my father’s birthday month and the time of year I miss him most “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure“Food is a major…
Continue Reading“Childhood smells of perfume and brownies.” — David Leavitt When I started my blog, nearly six years back, my daughters were 8 and 12. I started cooking kids’ recipes with…
Continue ReadingEid ul Fitr – Sweet Memories of a Sweet Celebration There is a reason Eid ul Fitr is called Meethi Eid (sweet eid) in Pakistan – the day begins with…
Continue ReadingIt’s really easy to lose your mojo and fall victim to the routine when you have to cook for family thrice a day (at least). I was really excited to…
Continue ReadingDo you need a special occasion to enjoy the dark, deep indulgence of Brownies? Never, right! That’s the best thing about brownies. They are amazing, off-the-cuff, everyday treats. Easy to…
Continue ReadingDates feature prominently in Middle Eastern cuisine, both in sweet and savoury dishes. As delicious as they are on their own, with a few tweaks and some extra effort they…
Continue ReadingOranges are back! Yay!!! I love juicy fruits and oranges definitely top the list of favourites – not just for the taste but for the very refreshing citrus fragrance. My…
Continue ReadingPumpkin Season Is Here! I know Autumn means a flood of pumpkin recipes and the next thing that comes to mind instantly is Halloween. We don’t celebrate Halloween in South…
Continue ReadingAnd when you crush an apple with your teeth, say to it in your heart: Your seeds shall live in my body, And the buds of your tomorrow shall blossom…
Continue ReadingWhat is Andrasay? Andrasay or more popularly know as Anarsay across the border, are flat discs or lemon sized balls made with rice flour, sugar and ghee(clarified butter), rolled in…
Continue ReadingSweetness is not in itself unhealthy, we simply eat only the most unhealthy kind of sweetness. Giulia Enders I’m hoping this very sweet and very simple recipe for Grilled Mango…
Continue ReadingGur Wale Chawal: A Mother’s Special Ritual Gur Wale Chawal is one such culinary ritual. Yes, not just a food but a ritual because it has been cooked for ages…
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