This is a no bake, easy and delicious hyderabadi dessert which is traditionally served over cream or yogurt.
I ate this dessert some 20 years back when the first hyderabadi restaurant opened in Lahore…and I happily admit that it was love at first bite !
In traditional recipes even the stones from the apricots are used. After removing them from the apricots, they are cracked open and the kernels inside, which resemble almonds, are used for garnishing the dessert. But I use almonds instead because of the controversy over the use if these seeds…one group advocates its health benefits while the other says that these seeds are not fit for consumption.
I serve this delicious sauce over homemade vanilla custard for a lighter more flavourful version.
You can also use ready to cook custard powder but I think there is nothing like the homemade custard…and it is equally easy and quick to make. Enjoy !

For Khubani ka Meetha, Apricot Dessert :

For Apricot Sauce :

25-30 dried apricots, pits removed
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
Water to boil the apricots

For Homemade Vanilla Custard :

1 litre milk
3 tablespoons corn starch
4 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

This Is What You Do :

In a medium sauce pan, boil dried apricots on medium heat till they are very tender and water sufficiently reduced.
Add sugar, salt and lemon juice. Taste to adjust the quantities to your liking. Cook till the sugar and salt dissolve completely and sauce begins to thicken.
Remove from heat, when the sauce is cool blend to a chunky or smooth consistency, according to your preference , in an electric blender.

In 1/2 cup milk dilute corn flour, set aside.
In a bowl thoroughly beat 4 eggs, set aside.
Heat the remaining milk in a sauce pan, add sugar.
Stir till sugar is dissolved. Add the corn flour mix while stirring continuously.
Remove pan from heat, add two tablespoons of this hot mixture to the beaten eggs to temper them. Don’t miss this step because it will make your custard smooth and prevent eggs from becoming scrambled.
Add the egg mix back to pan, slowly pouring in a stream and stirring.
Return the pan to heat, keep stirring to till the custard thickens.
Pour the custard in individual serving bowls. Chill in fridge for at least two hours. Pour warm apricot sauce before serving. Garnish with finely chopped almonds.

Makes 4 servings

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