Corn Tortilla Chips, also known as Totopos in Mexico, are one of my favourite snacks. The taste of the ones made at home is very different and far superior than the shop bought ones.
Traditional Corn Tortillas are made from masa harina, a lime treated white corn flour which is not available where I live so I make mine with ordinary corn meal ( Makki ka Atta) and they turn out very crisp and delicious.
You can mix different spices and herbs to create your own flavour but originally these chips are just slightly salted…perfect for scooping up dips. I make them with my Tomato and Raisin Chutney and they taste divine together. Get the recipe for Tomato Raisin Chutney on the blog.

For Corn Tortilla Chips :

1 cup corn meal
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 teaspoon salt
Vegetable oil for deep frying

This Is What You Do :

Mix flour and salt. Add warm water, a little at a time, till the dough comes together.
Dust a work top with flour, knead the dough till it doesn’t stick with hands anymore.
Cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

Roll out 4-5 thin flat breads from the dough. Thinner tortillas make crispier chips.
Cut the tortillas with a pizza cutter or knife into 6 wedges each as you would cut a pizza.
Heat 1/2 inch oil in a frying pan, the oil should be very hot.
Throw in one of the wedges to check the oil. Fry the wedges till crisp and golden. This takes only a few moments so be ready with a slotted spoon to scoop them out quickly.
Drain the oil on a wire mesh sieve.
Serve warm with Tomato Raisin Chutney or cool completely and save in airtight jars.

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