“Flowers wilt, jewelry tarnishes, and candles burn out…but chocolate doesn’t hang around long ehough to get old.”
― Sr. Cocoa Loca
Fondue – A Shared Happiness:
Fondue which comes from the French ‘fondre’, meaning “to melt”, has it’s origins in the 18th century Swiss farm culture. It was a means for farm families to stretch their limited resources during winter months and share with the entire family. One can almost imagine, with leftover cheeses, stale bread and wine, the family could gather around the hearth sharing a meal over old stories and anecdotes. By dipping into melted cheeses, even the stale bread became soft and delicious. To this date fondue remains the most widely recognized and best known dish of Switzerland – a melting pot of deliciousness.

The Evolution Of Chocolate Fondue:
From it’s humble rural roots, fondue soon became popular in the urban circles among people of means. After World War ll, Swiss Cheese Union promoted fondue as national Swiss dish and symbol of Swiss unity. Fondue reached world market through a food fair in America in 1964 when it was featured at the Swiss food pavilion. Here fondue branched out from cheese into chocolate as well. It is believed that Chocolate Fondue was invented in New York in the mid 1960s by a Swiss, Konrad Egli. He was a restaurant owner and wanted to add a dessert version of cheese fondue to the menu. From that point chocolate fondue became an ever amazing art of dipping fruits, cake cubes, pretzels, salted crisps, marshmallows and whatever else you can fancy into warm melted chocolate.

How to Serve Chocolate Fondue:
Usually it is served in special fondue pots but if you don’t have a fondue pot, you can use some kind of little stand to place any ceramic bowl or pot over it and light a candle/tea light under it. Or simply heat it up in a microwave safe bowl or in a saucepan over stovetop and keep the sauce fairly runny which will keep it warm for a longer time. If it begins to thicken, stir in a spoon of cream and heat up again. Placing the cholate bowl inside a pan of hot water can also keep the chocolate warm and of a sauce like consistency. Ceramic pots keep things warm for a longer time. If special fondue sticks are not available, you can use toothpicks, wooden skewers, Chinese chop sticks or forks. Now think of all the textures and flavours that pair well with chocolate – really sky is the limit. Surround the fondue pot with a medley of bits and pieces from your favourite fruits, crispy snacks and sweet or savoury desserts to dip into the silky smooth chocolate sauce for an unforgettable chocolate experience.

What Is So Special About My Chocolate Fondue?
This Spiced Chocolate Fondue is a more tantalising, sensual, fun version of the usually overtly sweet, one dimensional fondue. It has some extra ingredients, don’t worry nothing difficult to find, that boost the flavour to utmost level. I add some chilli flakes to butter and warm them together for a couple of minutes to better infuse the flavour. Then I also add some salt flakes, coffee and cinnamon to the mix for contrast and aroma. And I finish it off with orange juice. What you finally get to enjoy is a far from plain and boring – it’s a blend of happy, heartwarming flavours.
If you enjoyed this recipe, now check out How To Bake a Cake Without an Oven
For Spiced Chocolate Fondue :
200 gm milk or dark chocolate, roughly chopped
4 tablespoons butter
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons orange juice
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon red chilli flakes
A pinch salt
This Is What You Do :
Start by preparing the treats and snacks you want to serve with chocolate fondue so that you have them ready when fondue gets done, which takes minutes.
Melt butter in a sauce pan on low heat. Stir in red chilli flakes, keep warming them together for a couple of minutes.
Now add chocolate and cream. Stir till chocolate is melted and completely incorporated into the cream and butter. Keep stirring. If you can’t stir vigilantly, place the pan in a barely simmering water bath or microwave with 10 second intervals till the chocolate is melted.
Pour in milk and honey. Also add coffee, cinnamon and salt. Stir to combine everything.
Finish off with orange juice, stir to mix.
The sauce should be silky smooth and fairly runny without any lumps.
Pour the hot sauce into a fondue pot or any ceramic pot. Keep it warm by placing it over a candle or in a pan partially filled with hot water.
Serve with an assortment of fruits and snacks of your choice.
Makes 4 servings